A is for Albarino
Albarino is a white Spanish grape from Rias Baixas, Galicia, North Spain AKA Green Spain, for its overcast weather and green plains. Albarino is mid-weight, has great freshenss like Sauv Blanc but with more body like Chardonnay. It has come seemingly from nowhere in recent years and is now hugely popular.

Marea Baixa and Profundo Atlantic Albarino give a great introduction to the style, very fresh and saline with great energy. Quinta do Gradil Alvarinho is from Portugal and shows a slightly different take on the variety. Casa Monte Pio is a well worn favourite in the Wine Station stable (formerly called Happy Go Lucky) and Zarate is simply on of the regions best wines from an Albarino specialist. Finally, showing that it's not all about straight up dry, fresh whites, Casa Monte 'Ledes' is barrel aged, stirred on it's lees for extra richness - ahhhh Albarino, is there anything you cannot do?!
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